Google Apps: New features in Google Docs

SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

By SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

Google has added some new features to the Docs list:
– New export features which allow you to select multiple documents, convert them into your chosen format and download them as a zip file.
– Indicators to show if a document has been viewed already or not.
– A ‘New!’ indicator that shows you when a new document has been shared with you.

Editions included:

Standard, Premier, Education, Team and Partner Editions

Languages included:

All languages supported by Google Docs

How to access what’s new:

-Select one or more files and then click on “Export” from the “More Actions” menu. Next, pick the format (e.g. PDF, Microsoft Word, etc) you want for your exported files. Finally, click “Continue” and it will create a zip file to download that has all your content. You can “export” up to 500 MB of content in a single zip file. It can sometimes take a few minutes to download so you also have an “email when ready” option to notify you when the zip file is ready.
– “Unviewed” files are in bold, while “viewed” files are not. You can toggle this setting by selecting the item and clicking on “mark as (Un)Viewed” in the “More Actions” menu.
– When an item is first shared to you, it will be bold (“Unviewed”) and marked as “New!”. Once you view this item, it’s listed normally. If the item is updated by someone else, then it will be marked as “Unviewed” again.


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