SADA Systems Inc. Announces Plans for Presence in Southeast Asia

SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

By SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

SADA Systems Inc. is pleased to announce the first SADA offices in Asia will open later this year. Johannes Candra, a long-time SADA employee and developer, will be heading the SADA-Asia team based in his native city of Surabaya, East Java Province, Indonesia. The opening of an office in Indonesia provides a unique opportunity for SADA Systems to expand into the rapidly growing Asian IT market and talent pool, as well as update its service delivery model to meet the increased demands of the worldwide market for information technology services.

“With the opening of this office SADA will be able to take on projects and clients on a global scale,” says Tony Safoian President and CEO of SADA Systems. “Asia is a rapidly growing market in the IT space and we are fortunate to have Johannes Candra who is well qualified to lead our Indonesia-based team.” Indonesia is a country of 250 million, nearly the size of the United States. The population of Indonesia means there is a sizable pool of talent from which Candra will help develop the SADA-Asia team. His team will provide opportunities for both domestic project delivery, and delivery of projects based in the U.S.

Candra is a graduate of Ohio State University, and holds a Bachelor of Sciences degree in both Computer Science and Engineering. Candra has been a senior developer with SADA Systems for one and a half years. In his time with SADA Systems, Candra has been a leader and major contributor to a number of SADA’s largest and most high profile projects. While making the transition, Candra will continue to be personally involved in current projects in which he participates.

About the opportunity Candra had this to say, “This is a huge opportunity for me and I am looking forward to it. Being the leader of an international team is a big responsibility, but with the experience and leadership skills I’ve developed with SADA systems, and the support of the SADA-U.S. team I am confident we will succeed.” Candra has set some ambitious goals for the Asia office. Some early goals include building a strong community in technology through introduction of the latest advances, and to exchange IT cultures between the U.S. and Asia.

“SADA has been in the IT business for seven years,” says Candra about the importance of establishing a presence in the Asian market, “it is becoming more and more important to have a presence in Asia in order to bridge the delivery and exchange of information technology solutions in what is now a worldwide market.”

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