Google starts roll-out of usability enhancements to Google Apps

SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

By SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

Over the last couple of weeks users of services provided by Google will have noticed some changes to the appearance of search, Gmail, and even Google’s classic home page. These are a product of Google’s efforts to update the appearance of their user interface and to improve the user experience. Google is continuously updating their services (more than 125 new features were added to Google Apps last year alone) and the visual enhancements are meant to make Google’s features easier to use.
New Google black bar user interface enhancements
For most users the most noticeable of Google’s enhancements may be the new navigation bar located in the upper border of Google’s classic search page. The navigation bar, or Google’s “black bar,” contains links to their services (Mail, Calendar, Documents, etc.). In addition to the black bar, Google relocated their corporate links to the bottom of the page, and gave the Google Search and I’m Feeling Lucky buttons a new look. Similar updates have been made to other Google services in order give Google’s services an overall cleaner, simpler look. For more information about changes to the user interface for services such as Google Calendar and Google Docs, visit the Google Apps, What’s New? page, linked at the end of this post.
Google’s approach to the visual improvements is based on three key design principles: focus, elasticity, and effortlessness. Each of these principles are given a guiding philosophy that helps to define the purpose of the enhancements.

    • Focus: Put the features and services front and center that users need the most. Hide other features, services, and navigation until they’re actually needed.
    • Elasticity: Most users depend on a variety of devices to access content and services. The visual enhancements to Google’s features and services will create a seamless experience when moving from one device to another, such as going from a computer to a mobile device.
    • Effortlessness: Maximize the power and potential of services using the latest technology available while keeping the user experience simple and clean.

These design principles are more fully defined in Google’s official blog post about updates to the user experience, in the links below.
SADA Systems is excited about Google’s enhancements to the user experience and improvements to the usability of Gmail, Calendar, and others. We’re staying on top of the changes so we can update our clients and help them to understand the enhancements, and how they can be of benefit to their organization. For information about SADA’s Google Apps Services and Solutions visit our web page:

    • Read a break down of Google’s new interfaces provided on unofficial Google blog, Google Operating System:  Google’s New Interfaces

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