SADA launches App Engine microsite

You’ve taken the first major step in your journey to Cloud with the decision to Go Google.  Now, you can get even more value from Google Apps by streamlining more business processes and workflows with Google App Engine.
SADA is one of the first Google Apps partners to offer App Engine custom development services.  App Engine offers a lot of great features as a standalone product, but it is even more valuable for organizations that already use Google Apps.  That’s because App Engine integrates seamlessly with Google Apps and Accounts.
Now, you are in a position to consider productivity-enhancing applications such as:

  1. Google Apps integration with SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft,, and other key corporate applications.
  2. Employee-to-manager request and approval workflow processes.
  3. Integration of key corporate applications with other cloud-based applications.
  4. Intelligent document routing and notification for streamlined workflow.
  5. Migration of Sharepoint or Lotus Notes applications to the cloud.
  6. Automated event and task creation based on key metrics pulled from core applications like SAP, Oracle, PeopleSoft,
  7. Employee dashboards coupled with action item lists and communication/collaboration tools.
  8. Mobile access to corporate and Google Apps-based applications.
  9. Improved business intelligence and information delivery.

SADA Systems has expertise and years of experience helping customers  transition to the cloud, as well as extensive knowledge of App Engine’s integration capabilities.

For more information about SADA app development, go here.

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    SADA, An Insight company, provides thought leadership, announcements, and insights related to Google Cloud products and services to organizations of any size, in every industry.


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