Cloud-based Licensing Solutions

Using a host project to simplify your Google Cloud network

Deploying a host project provides centralized network resources, firewall rules, configurations, and infrastructure-based operations. These centralized network resources allow for easier administration and troubleshooting. Additionally, and significantly, deploying network resources as a host project does not affect the deployment of compute or other resources in Google Cloud. This article shares why a host project is […]

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Data Protection Impact Assessment in Cloud

Shipping multi-platform Docker images for ARM on Google Cloud with GitHub Actions

Google is adding ARM instance types to its compute engine at a significant price and performance advantage to the existing x86_64 instances. In this article we’ll cover building multi-platform, multi-architecture Docker images using GitHub Actions, publishing those images to a private Docker registry hosted on Google Artifact Repository, and pulling and running those images on

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Telemedicine Solutions in Cloud

Working with ARM64 machines on Google Kubernetes Engine

Google has recently announced their ARM CPU machines types. Kubernetes has had support for ARM machines for some time (as evidenced by the proliferation of Raspberry Pi clusters), however running a mixed architecture cluster poses some challenges. This guide covers how to run CPU-specific workloads on mixed clusters, and provides an example of how to

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Cloud-based Digital Twins Integration

Introducing 27 Degrees: SADA’s Angle on Google Cloud

Welcome to 27 Degrees for Google Cloud! Join this premiere of our video series geared towards helping customers understand the inner workings of the cloud and demonstrate the technical capabilities of the Google Cloud Platform in production. Meet our experts and co-hosts, SADA Principal Cloud Engineer, Seth Moffit, and Pre-Sales Cloud Engineer, Aaron N. Brock.

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Headless CMS in Cloud

Managing Google Cloud API keys using Terraform

API keys are alphanumeric strings that are used in cases where a simple identification is needed without full blown authentication. In Google Cloud Platform terms, they can be used to access APIs while identifying the calling application without a principal. Google Cloud offers a simple interface for creating, updating, and managing API keys and their

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