If you are in marketing, you know all too well how challenging it is to collaborate with your team and confidently publish great, approved materials. When you’re juggling multiple campaigns, countless creative files and ongoing projects, it can be challenging to keep track of everything and ensure quality control. G Suite, however, do a great job alleviating three common challenges marketers face:
- Turning around deliverables efficiently
- Ensuring proper approvals
- Gaining stakeholder representation in reviews
As such, we’ve partnered with Google to bring you Google Apps Summer School for Marketers. Summer School is a fun series of short videos—none more than five minutes long—highlighting how marketing departments in various business verticals can use Google Apps. The series features Google’s Marketing Director for Google Enterprise, Maureen Bradford, and covers file collaboration, tracking materials and statuses, and working efficiently from anywhere. For now, here are some additional tips for how Apps can help marketing departments improve common processes.
Turn Around Deliverables Efficiently: Share Assets in Google Drive
Create documents in Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides (which behave much like the word processing tools with which you are already familiar) and save them to the cloud in Google Drive. Send your team a link to the documents and they can all view and edit these files live in the cloud instantly.
Additionally, Drive doesn’t merely store Google-created files—it stores countless file types including Adobe Creative Suite files, video projects, images and more. As G Suite users get unlimited storage, your team can store massive volumes of files. You can even upload a single file up to 5TB.
- Quickly searchable repository of creative assets
- Access anywhere, on any device
- Real-time updated documents to review at any time