Big Data on GCP: Hands-On Introductory BigQuery Lab

Data always plays a critical role in the ability to research, study, and combat public health emergencies, and nowhere is this more true than in the case of a global crisis. Access to data sets—and tools that can analyze that data at cloud scale—are increasingly essential to the research process, and are particularly necessary in the global response to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Researchers can use BigQuery & BigQuery ML to derive insights out of this data.

In this virtual workshop we’ll review the dataset at a high level and collaboratively demonstrate the power that BigQuery & BigQuery ML can bring when applied to large, critical sets of data. We’ll walk through each of these technologies and provide an opportunity to apply modeling techniques across these datasets. 

Join SADA & Google for a  “work from home” friendly workshop. During this hands-on workshop, we will walk you through how you can leverage Google Cloud solutions to derive insights from public data sets.

In this session, you will learn:

  • A high-level understanding of Google BigQuery & BigQuery ML
  • How to apply BigQuery & Big Query ML to a large data set
  • Typical use cases for using BigQuery for large data sets 


  • Innovative leaders across industries interested in how their organization can leverage powerful tools to derive insights from their data
  • Data analysts interested in learning how to apply these technologies to large sets of data

Date: Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

Time: 11:00am – 1:00pm CT


colin dietrich

Colin Dietrich
Data Scientist

archana manohar

Archana Manohar
Customer Engineer
Google Cloud

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