#GivingTuesday: Movember Staches at the SADA Office


Movember (formerly known as November), challenges men to grow moustaches during the month of November to spark conversation and raise vital funds for its men’s health programs.  It’s a time where things get a little hairy at the SADA office. Staches are sprouting left and right as our coworkers and friends make a personal statement to support men’s health.

Recent statistics say that in the United States, on average, 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime and 12.1% of men over 18 years old are in fair or poor health. The Movember cause strives to spread awareness and raise funds in support of men’s health by recruiting “Mo Bros” and “Mo Sistas” everywhere to grow a stache of their own or donate to support the cause, and to spread awareness of the often-ignored issue of men’s health. Collectively, the Movember cause has raised over $599 million and funded over 800 programs thanks to those strong staches and generous donations. The Mo Bros and Mo Sistas among us are proud to support such an important cause.

Our CEO, Tony Safoian, a third year Mo Bro, and many of our team members have personally committed to changing the face of men’s health by either donating, growing a stache of their own, or both. The SADA Systems team is thrilled to have already raised over $1,300 during the month of Movember in support of this great cause.

Today, on Giving Tuesday, we encourage you to support our journey to raise awareness and funds to change the face of men’s health and help fund programs working to improve the lives of men affected by prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health issues.

Whatever cause you support, we encourage you to be generous and give back this holiday season.

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