We’ve seen the internet wave sweep over all businesses with point of sales increasingly shifting from desktop counters to the virtual world with computers and laptops connected to the internet. The internet opened a whole new gateway for consumers to find businesses and vice versa. Now consumers turn to the internet for almost everything in their day to day life. It’s in fact difficult to imagine what life would have been like without the internet. The growth of internet didn’t stop there. Internet is now going mobile.
Mobile is the next big step that ecommerce will venture into in the future. By the end of this year, more than half of all the Americans will own a smart phone. More than half online consumers are more likely to buy a product online through a mobile website. Mobile increases convenience and decreases the need to travel to a desk to buy something online. Mobile is the next big market for businesses to find consumers. People can look up websites on their phones from anywhere with data plans becoming more and more inexpensive every day.
More people have access to data on their phones and all these people are potential customers you could be ignoring if you are not going mobile. So why don’t you try it? Going mobile with your site is easier than you think. With
Google Apps Services, you will be surprised at how easy it is. Google Sites allows you to create a mobile site with just a few clicks. You can put in text, images and buttons. You can also create forms with drop downs.
Google Apps Small Business was launched by Google to specifically help small businesses reach out to more customers through google cloud services. Take advantage of these benefits and watch your business grow!