SADA community giving programs highlight core values

Incredible things happen when creativity collides with a passion for doing good in the world. At SADA, we’ve been reflecting a lot on how we can improve the lives of others both individually and as a company. 

Many SADAians recently had an opportunity to meet in person for the first time in two years, at our company-wide SADA Connect gathering in Los Angeles, where we were fortunate to host guest speaker Mick Ebeling, founder of Not Impossible Labs. Ebeling’s philanthropic and entrepreneurial pursuits have included everything from designing apps to help find meals for those in need to 3D printing prosthetic limbs for children in war zones. In a word: inspiring. 

Ebeling’s stories emphasized the power an individual can have to make a profound difference in the lives of those whose struggles are far more severe than our own. Putting good intentions into action, that day SADAians assembled 1000 kits containing everyday essentials and art supplies in collaboration with Alexandria House, a transitional home for women and children based in LA.  

Inspired by Ebeling’s example, SADA CEO Tony Safoian and SADA’s People Operations team launched an internal Google Spaces discussion where SADAians can share stories of the ways, big and small, that we’re lifting up those who could use a hand.

Of course while one individual act can make a huge impact, we recognize that working collectively makes an even bigger difference. SADA People Ops organized a volunteer event for SADA employees based in Los Angeles, partnering with TreePeople, an organization that “inspires and supports the people of Southern California to come together to plant and care for trees, harvest the rain, and renew depleted landscapes.”

SADA volunteers cared for trees that had been planted in the spring by weeding, adding nutrient-dense mulch, and through deep watering. The event took place at North Hollywood Recreation Center, just blocks from SADA HQ. 

And SADA is looking well beyond Los Angeles for opportunities for our globally distributed workforce to give back to their communities. In Austin, Allie Patterson organized a group of SADAians to help sort food at the Central Texas Food Bank. All together, SADAians packaged 90 boxes of food—that’s 2,250 pounds or 1,875 meals to people in need. And in Tampa, SADAians got together for a beach clean up with Salty Soul Foundation, picking up trash on the beach to help keep our oceans free of pollution.

SADA Senior Vice President, People Operations Orkideh Shahidi noted that these projects speak directly to SADA’s culture. “SADA has always been focused on giving back to our communities and lifting up those in need,” Shahidi says, “And as our business grows, it’s important that these efforts keep pace in both scale and magnitude. SADAians are willing to roll up their sleeves to deliver on one of our core values: Do the Right Thing. We’re thrilled and inspired by the passion they bring to their communities, and look forward to even more creative ways SADA can make a huge, positive impact.” 

If you’re looking for a new opportunity to apply your talents at a company that’s committed to doing the right thing, please visit our Careers page.

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