SADA featured in TechRepublic's recent webcast Best Practices for Moving to Google Apps

SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

By SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

TechRepublic’s recent Webcast, “Live TechRepublic Webcast: Best Practices for Moving to Google Apps” featuring Google Enterprise Head of Deployment Alex Diacre provided some great insight on how easy it is for organizations to deploy Google Apps.

In addition to going over the latest in cloud computing technology and how it can help the business, Diacre spent some time highlighting how, Google Apps partners, like SADA Systems, can help organizations migrate from their legacy system to Google Apps.
So what contributes to a successful deployment? Diacre mentions that a moderate and steady roll-out pace causes staff to focus at the migration and deployment goal at hand. Another important point is to have the pilot end-users to really use the product and actually incorporate Google Docs and Sites in their daily activities. Post deployment support is key to fully adopting the cloud suite–as users start getting used to Google Apps, they will begin to see the value of utilizing the cloud functionalities.

Diacre goes on to mention that Google Apps Partners, namely SADA Systems (thanks for all the shout outs!), are really helping to bridge the gap between Google Apps and on-premise systems. SADA helps to integrate SSO, password synchronization and a number of other custom applications and training to help customers feel more at home with Google Apps.

The cloud is fast becoming the preferred option for IT departments around the world. SADA is happy to be available for those looking to transition to the cloud!

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