SADA Systems and Denver Seminary

SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

By SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

One of the first 10 Google Apps for Enterprise partners worldwide and initial contributor to the Google Apps Open Source provisioning toolkit, SADA Systems, Inc. has developed a proven track record in implementation of Google Apps solutions. SADA works with a diverse client base to create custom, leading edge solutions that strategically meet client business objectives.

Founded in 1950, Denver Seminary offers a number of masters and doctoral level programs for clergy, counselors and other faith workers. The Seminary is home to nearly 900 current students and has graduated over 4000 alumni.


Prior to adopting Google Apps, Denver Seminary did not provide its students with email accounts. Staff and faculty email was served through Microsoft Exchange however the Seminary did not see that as an appropriate solution for student email. Denver Seminary chose to use Google Apps Education Edition to fulfill this need and turned to SADA to help with deployment and implementation.


SADA first reviewed Denver Seminary’s existing IT environment. They assisted Denver Seminary with the sign up and initial account setup for Google Apps Education Edition. SADA then configured the seminary’s MX/DNS records, and set up a Dual Delivery system for staff members already on Microsoft Exchange. SADA deployed its Google Apps User Provisioning/Synchronization and Web Single Sign-On tools. Each of these tools allows Denver Seminary IT staff to provision and synchronize Google Apps accounts through it’s Active Directory (AD) and gives the Seminary’s users access their Google Apps accounts with their AD credentials.


By implementing Google’s and SADA’s solutions, Denver Seminary has an email solution that comes with lower IT administration costs, higher user satisfaction, and increased productivity. This peace of mind allows Denver Seminary IT focus on more strategic initiatives.

“SADA Systems was a pleasure to work with,” says Jason Adams, Director of IT for Denver Seminary. “I am impressed by their relationship with Google, something I didn’t feel other vendors had. They brought experience and knowledge which was extremely important and helpful in getting us up and running.”

He continues, “We are using SADA’s fully hosted solution – they took care of everything, there was very little for us to do. And with the few resources we have that makes a huge difference – without breaking our bank! I would recommend SADA Systems to everyone looking to deploy Google Apps in their environment.”


Our expert teams of consultants, architects, and solutions engineers are ready to help with your bold ambitions, provide you with more information on our services, and answer your technical questions. Contact us today to get started.

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