Send Huge Files but Don’t Use Email

The Problem

The age of limiting file attachment sizes to 5MB or 10MB may be coming to an end. As of June of 2009, Gmail now allows file attachments of up to 25MB. This gives users of Gmail, and other services with similar high limits on email attachments, a great deal of freedom when attaching files of any type. Just because the freedom is available, does not mean it should be exercised. Email may not be the ideal solution for sending someone a large file.

Consider that MIME encoding is used when sending binary attachments. This causes files to expand up to 33%. This means a 15MB attachment may require up to 20MB or more. File expansion increases even further the more recipients to whom the message is copied. This tendency of file sizes to expand when sent through email ultimately means the best solution may be to upload large files to a single location. An ideal upload location would be secure, and allow users to easily download your files.

The Solution

Don't Send Huge Files over EmailSADA Systems, Inc. offers one such solution to the problem of sending large files. SADA’s solution is Send IT Global, a cloud-based file transfer service. Send IT Global meets the requirements for sending large files in that it is fast, secure, and easy to use. The process for sending a large file through Send IT Global is simple:

  1. Go to the website located at
  2. Enter your email address and the email addresses of people you wish to receive your file.
  3. Browse your computer for the file you wish to send, you may attach any number of files up to 2 GB.
  4. If you like, you can add a message to your recipients. We recommend, “This is a great, easy-to-use service. Check it out!”
  5. Click “Send.”

Your recipients will receive an email with a link to a page where they can download your file(s). This is the basic operation of the website. There are other options you can set before uploading your files, like:

  • Limit the number of times a file can be downloaded.
  • Set a password to download your files. Your recipients will receive this in a separate email.
  • Create a security audit-trail. This option will send you a notification when recipients finish downloading your file.)

In addition to the web service, SADA also offers a hosted solution for businesses, “Send IT Global Business Hosted.” This solution gives businesses a Send IT Global page with their own branding and logo, and a URL where they can access their solution. This is a great solution for businesses that frequently need to send large files, but wish to avoid tying up network resources or email.
For more information about Send IT Global, or to try the service for yourself, visit the website,

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