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By SADA Says | Cloud Computing Blog

Google Cloud services

Google Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE) revolutionizes your cloud journey by delivering a familiar VMware environment directly on Google Cloud’s robust infrastructure. This empowers you to seamlessly migrate and manage your VMware workloads at scale, without the burden of refactoring applications or rewriting scripts. By integrating VMware’s core components–compute, storage, and networking–GCVE ensures a consistent operational experience while unlocking the full potential of Google Cloud’s innovative services. Experience the best of both worlds: the agility and scalability of Google Cloud, combined with the trusted VMware platform you know and rely on.

GCVE Benefits

GCVE Benefits

Google Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE) transforms your cloud migration journey by offering a seamless path for extending your VMware investments to Google Cloud.

Key benefits include:

  • Effortless migration: Eliminate the need for costly and complex refactoring, seamlessly migrating your VMware workloads to Google Cloud.
  • Simplified operations: Leverage Google Cloud’s secure, high-performance global infrastructure to streamline operations and reduce IT overhead.
  • Enhanced agility and scalability: Dynamically scale your VMware environment to meet evolving business needs, ensuring optimal performance and cost efficiency.
  • Seamless integration: Easily integrate with Google Cloud’s rich portfolio of services, unlocking new possibilities for innovation and growth.

Enhanced disaster recovery: Strengthen your disaster recovery capabilities with Google Cloud’s robust infrastructure and advanced security features.

Fully integrated VMware experience

GCVE delivers a fully integrated VMware experience, allowing you to harness the breadth of Google Cloud services while maintaining your existing VMware tools and operational models. By seamlessly extending your VMware environment to Google Cloud, GCVE simplifies operations and eliminates the need to manage disparate environments. This streamlined approach significantly reduces operational overhead and allows for more efficient IT management, freeing up valuable time and resources to drive innovation and agility within your organization.

Rapid provisioning and scalability

One of the most powerful aspects of GCVE is its remarkable speed and flexibility. Unlike traditional environments that can take days or weeks to deploy, GCVE empowers you to spin up a fully functional VMware private cloud in a matter of minutes. This agility is essential for businesses operating in today’s dynamic landscape, where the ability to respond rapidly to changing needs is paramount. Whether you need to scale up to support growth or scale down to optimize costs, GCVE provides the flexibility to adjust resources quickly and seamlessly, enabling you to maintain peak efficiency at all times.

Seamless integration of familiar third-party applications

GCVE seamlessly integrates with the third-party applications and management solutions you already know and trust. This allows you to migrate to the cloud without sacrificing the tools that are essential to your operations. By maintaining compatibility with your existing software ecosystem, GCVE minimizes disruptions to your workflows, reduces the learning curve for your team, and lowers migration costs. This ensures a smoother transition to the cloud, where you can leverage new capabilities while preserving the stability and familiarity of your proven tools.

GCVE key features

GCVE key features

High availability and performance

GCVE is built for reliability and performance, featuring redundant, dedicated 100 Gbps networking to ensure smooth operation, minimize latency, and prevent downtime. This robust networking infrastructure supports even the most demanding data-intensive and mission-critical applications.

Flexible scaling

GCVE allows you to independently scale datastore and compute capacities, providing the flexibility to tailor resources to your specific needs and optimize costs.

Deep integration with Google Cloud services

GCVE integrates deeply with Google Cloud services, unlocking a wide range of cloud-native innovations in AI, Machine Learning, and Data Analytics. This integration expands the capabilities of your VMware environment and drives intelligent decision-making across your organization.

Robust VMware ecosystem

GCVE supports a rich ecosystem of VMware solutions, including disaster recovery, application modernization, and more. This ensures that you can continue to leverage the full spectrum of VMware capabilities in the cloud.

Unified management

GCVE seamlessly integrates familiar VMware tools with Google Cloud’s operations suite, simplifying management across your multi-cloud environment. This unified approach provides a streamlined experience, enhanced monitoring, and robust security across your entire infrastructure.

These features make Google Cloud VMware Engine a powerful and user-friendly platform for seamlessly extending your VMware environment into the cloud. It provides the flexibility, scalability, and integration you need to drive innovation and optimize your cloud operations.

Fuel innovation and accelerate agility with GCVE

Fuel innovation and accelerate agility with GCVE 

GCVE empowers businesses to achieve a quantum leap in operational agility by providing a next-generation platform that aligns perfectly with the dynamic needs of today’s business landscape. GCVE enables you to seamlessly deploy, scale, and manage VMware workloads in the cloud, accelerating time to market and maximizing opportunities. This newfound agility allows you to respond rapidly to evolving business requirements, a critical factor in maintaining competitiveness in today’s fast-paced markets.

Moreover, GCVE’s deep integration with Google Cloud services unlocks a world of possibilities for innovation. By leveraging GCVE, you can harness the power of cutting-edge technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and advanced Data Analytics within your familiar VMware environment. This opens up new avenues for experimentation and enables you to create innovative solutions that enhance your service offerings and streamline operations.

For example, you can now leverage AI to analyze vast datasets, utilize ML to personalize customer interactions, and gain valuable insights through advanced data analytics—all within the trusted VMware ecosystem. This integration not only fosters innovation but also equips you with the tools to deliver more personalized customer experiences and drive operational efficiency.

With GCVE, you can confidently embrace the future of cloud computing while maintaining the reliability and security of your existing VMware infrastructure.

6 reasons why GCVE is the best data center exit destination

Google Cloud VMware Engine (GCVE) remains the best choice for evaluating the evolution of your computing infrastructure by combining the familiarity of VMware with the hyperscale power of Google Cloud. Maybe you’re exiting your data center or considering how to handle the recent changes to licensing of VMware by Broadcom. Or maybe you just want to remain in the VMware ecosystem without retraining your staff or migrating mission-critical applications to an unproven environment. Whatever the case may be, here are six reasons why GCVE can serve as the cornerstone of your VMware strategy:  

1. Seamless integration with Google Cloud services

As mentioned above, seamless integration with Google Cloud services is a major GCVE benefit. If your company is already using or planning to use Google Cloud services, choosing GCVE as the place to migrate your on-prem computing workloads should result in improved integration and interoperability with GCP services.

Using GCVE, your organization can quickly adopt and integrate with other Google Cloud services including Google Kubernetes Engine, BigQuery, Cloud SQL, and many other artificial intelligence and machine learning tools and services, as the connectivity between services and GCVE is direct and integrated into Google Cloud.

2. Global network infrastructure

GCVE Google Cloud benefits

Google Cloud boasts a robust global network infrastructure. For businesses that require a global presence with low-latency connections, GCVE is a compelling choice. With GCVE located in numerous Google Cloud regions, you’ll enjoy high-speed connections between your GCVE VMs and your customers, whether accessed via on-premises data centers or directly over the Internet.

GCVE is easily accessible via private hybrid connectivity options such as Direct or Partner Interconnect, or Cloud HA VPN to your corporate environment, data centers, or other clouds. These connectivity solutions ensure that  you and your customers will enjoy high-speed, secure access to your applications.

3. Pricing and cost management

Pricing models can vary from one cloud provider to the next. You might find that Google Cloud’s pricing structure for GCVE is more favorable for your specific workload and budget constraints. And when it comes to dealing with VMware licensing, Google Cloud frees you from having to manage renewals, calculate future capacity, or deal with changes in licensing structure or product offerings and bundles.

According to a study by the VMware Cloud Economics team, GCVE users can expect to save on average 45% of total cost of ownership (TCO). These savings come from reduced labor costs, hardware acquisition, and VMware licenses that you will no longer need to purchase.

4. Innovation and collaboration

Google Cloud is known for innovation and collaboration and is the only cloud provider that gives VMware Admins full vCenter control. GCVE is actively supported by Google Cloud with new features released regularly, including support for third-party integrations such as expanded storage, networking, and backup options from Google Cloud Marketplace, and increased capacity through different node types and services. 

5. Security and compliance

Different cloud providers have varying approaches to security and compliance. If your company has specific security requirements or operates within an industry with strict compliance regulations, Google Cloud provides security assurances through custom-designed hardware and software, encryption, and compliance with various security standards. These protections exist in GCVE where data is encrypted at rest and the entire environment is only accessible through your GCP network.

For healthcare organizations, Google Cloud VMware Engine is HIPAA compliant and covered under the Google Cloud Business Associate Agreement (BAA), which enables healthcare providers to  take advantage of cloud computing while maintaining HIPAA compliance without a lot of extra steps.  

6. A great choice for your hybrid cloud strategy

GCVE for hybrid cloud strategy

If your business is adopting a hybrid cloud strategy and wishes to integrate on-premises data centers seamlessly with the cloud, GCVE is an excellent choice. GCVE can act as an extension of your on-premises datacenter, or replace it entirely. Migrations to GCVE remain within the VMware ecosystem, so no extensive retraining is required. Your VMware team skills will be very easily ported into GCVE and the entire GCP Infrastructure Architecture. Interfaces are familiar, while new features are unlocked by bringing the latest in VMware innovation to your technology teams.

VMware by Broadcom recently ended perpetual licenses, moved to a subscription model, and bundled many products into two distinct offerings, you now have less choice when selecting the VMware products and level of service that you actually need.

Customers who leverage GCVE can avoid the pain of these changes and be freed of those increased costs and reduced flexibility, while taking advantage of all the benefits and innovation of the VMware ecosystem in GCVE, and Google Cloud.

Accelerate success with SADA

Exit your data center with SADA GCVE services

SADA’s custom GCVE services provide a faster path to data center exits, drive consumption, and enable your team to manage VMware workloads effortlessly on Google Cloud Platform. Here’s how: 

1. Discovery, planning, and execution

SADA experts guide your team, from assessment to production, focusing on clearly defined milestones based on your unique business goals.

2. Architectural design, right-sizing + FinOps

With an eye on cost at every stage, your dedicated SADA team will help you meet your requirements related to security, BCP/DR, scaling, and adoption. 

3. Migration execution

SADA’s deep bench of experience in every industry includes VM migrations, VDI redeployments, containerization, database migration, and comprehensive data center deployments on Google Cloud

4. Expansive service offerings

Enjoy the full scope of SADA expertise, including Google Cloud commit structuring, GCP/GCVE landing zone deployment, Google Marketplace structuring, professional services for migration, managed VMware, and more.

Don’t hesitate to book a discovery call with SADA experts to discuss your VM migration ambitions and unlock the potential of Google Cloud. Plus, embark on your migration journey with SADA experts, access GCVE capabilities, and as a gesture of gratitude for taking the time to meet, you’ll receive a voucher for a free pair of custom Nikes. Don’t wait, book your meeting now! (Limited-time offer)


Our expert teams of consultants, architects, and solutions engineers are ready to help with your bold ambitions, provide you with more information on our services, and answer your technical questions. Contact us today to get started.

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